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Curve Fitting Objective Function of Fixed and Random Effects


obj_val = curvefit.core.objective_fun.objective_fun(
    x, t, obs, obs_se, covs, group_sizes, model_fun, loss_fun,
    link_fun, var_link_fun, fe_gprior, re_gprior, param_gprior,


  1. num_obs = len(obs) is the number of observations (measurements)
  2. num_param = len(covs) is the number of parameters in the model.
  3. num_fe = fe_gprior.shape[0] is the number of fixed effects.
  4. num_group = len(group_sizes) is the number of groups
  5. params = `effects2params(x, group_sizes, covs, link_fun, var_link_fun) is a num_param by num_obs numpy array containing the parameters corresponding to each observation; see effects2params.
  6. A vector is either a list or a one dimension numpy.array.


  • x (np.array): is a one dimension numpy array contain a value for the fixed effects followed by the random effects. The random effects are divided into sub-vectors with length equal to the number of fixed effects. The i-th sub-vector corresponds to the i-th group of observations.
  • t (np.array): is a one dimension numpy array with length num_obs containing the value of the independent variable corresponding to each observation.
  • obs (np.array): is a one dimension numpy array with length num_obs containing the observations (i.e. measurements).
  • obs_se (np.array): is a one dimension numpy array with length num_obs containing the standard deviation for the corresponding observation.
  • covs (List[np.ndarray]): is a list with length equal to the number of parameters and covs[k] is a two dimension numpy array with the following contents: -- covs[k].shape[0] is the number of observations -- covs[k].shape[1] is the number of fixed effects corresponding to the k-th parameter. -- covs[k][i, ell] is the covariate value corresponding to the i-th observation and ell-th covariate for the k-th parameter.
  • group_sizes (List[int]): the observations are divided into groups. The first group_sizes[0] observations correspond to the first group, the next group_sizes[1] corresponds to the section group, and so on. The the sum of the group sizes is equal to num_obs.
  • model_fun (Callable): this vector valued function vector values maps parameter values, params returned by effects2params, to the model for the corresponding noiseless observations. The observation residual vector has length num_obs and is given by
        obs_res = (obs - model_fun(t, params)) / obs_se
  • loss_fun (Callable): this scalar value function maps the observation residual vector to the corresponding contribution to the objective function. For example, if loss_fun corresponds to a Gaussian likelihood, it is equal to
        gaussian_loss(obs_res) = 0.5 * sum( obs_res * obs_res )
  • link_fun (List[callable]): the parameter link functions, see Parameter
  • var_fun (List[callable]): the variable link functions, see Variable
  • fe_gprior (np.array): is an num_fe by two numpy array. The value fe_gprior[j][0] is the prior mean for the j-th fixed effect and fe_gprior[j][1] is its standard deviation. If fe is the fixed effect sub-vector of x, the prior residual for the fixed effects is
        fe_res = ( fe.T - fe_gprior[:,0] ) / fe_gprior[:,1]
where `fe.T` denotes the transpose of `fe`.
  • re_gprior (np.array): is an num_fe by num_groups by by two numpy array, re_gprior[j,i,0] ( re_gprior[j,i,1] ) is the mean (standard deviation) for the random effect corresponding to the j-th fixed effect and the i-th group. If re is the matrix of random effect corresponding tox, the prior residual for the random effects is
        re_res = ( re.T - re_gprior[:,:,0] ) / re_gprior[:,:,1]
  • param_gprior (Tuple[Callable, Tuple[int, int]]): is a list with two elements. The first element is a function of the params and its result is a numpy array. We use the notation
        range_gprior = param_gprior[0](params)
There is a subtlety here, column dimension of the *params* above
is *num_groups* (not *num_obs).
The value `param_gprior[1][0]` ( `param_gprior[1][1]` ) is a numpy array
corresponding to the mean (standard deviation) for *range_gprior*.
The prior residual for the parameters is
        param_res = (range_gprior - param_gprior[1][[0]]) / param_gprior[1][1]
  • re_zero_sum_std (np.array): is a vector with length num_fe, re_zero_sum_std[j] is the standard deviation for the sum of the random effect corresponding to the j-th fixed effect. Note that a standard deviation of np.inf corresponds to no prior on the sum of the corresponding random effects.



The return val is a float equal to the objective function

    obj_val = loss_fun(obs_res) + gaussian_loss(fe_res)
        + gaussian_loss(re_res) + gaussian_loss(param_res)

