Source code for

from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any

from import DataIO, dataio_dict

[docs]class DataInterface: """Data interface that store important directories and automatically read and write data to the stored directories based on their data types. Parameters ---------- dirs Directories to manage with directory's name as the name of the keyword argument's name and directory's path as the value of the keyword argument's value. """ dataio_dict: dict[str, DataIO] = dataio_dict """A dictionary that maps the file extensions to the corresponding data io class. This is a module-level variable from :py:data:``. :meta hide-value: """ def __init__(self, **dirs: dict[str, str | Path]) -> None: self.keys = [] for key, value in dirs.items(): self.add_dir(key, value)
[docs] def add_dir(self, key: str, value: str | Path, exist_ok: bool = False) -> None: """Add a directory to instance. If the directory already exist Parameters ---------- key Directory name. value Directory path. exist_ok If ``exist_ok=True`` and ``key`` already exists in the current instance it will raise an error. Otherwise it will overwrite the path corresponding to the ``key``. Raises ------ ValueError Raised when ``exist_ok=False`` and ``key`` already exists. """ if (not exist_ok) and (key in self.keys): raise ValueError(f"{key} already exists") setattr(self, key, Path(value)) setattr(self, f"load_{key}", partial(self.load, key=key)) setattr(self, f"dump_{key}", partial(self.dump, key=key)) if key not in self.keys: self.keys.append(key)
[docs] def remove_dir(self, key: str) -> None: """Remove a directory from the current set of directories. Parameters ---------- key Directory name """ if key in self.keys: delattr(self, key) delattr(self, f"load_{key}") delattr(self, f"dump_{key}") self.keys.remove(key)
[docs] def get_fpath(self, *fparts: tuple[str, ...], key: str = "") -> Path: """Get the file path from the name of the directory and the sub-parts under the directory. Parameters ---------- fparts Subdirectories or the file name. key The name of the directory stored in the class. """ return getattr(self, key, Path(".")) / "/".join(map(str, fparts))
[docs] def load( self, *fparts: tuple[str, ...], key: str = "", **options: dict[str, Any] ) -> Any: """Load data from given directory. Parameters ---------- fparts Subdirectories or the file name. key The name of the directory stored in the class. options Extra arguments for the load function. Returns ------- Any Data loaded from the given path. """ fpath = self.get_fpath(*fparts, key=key) return self.dataio_dict[fpath.suffix].load(fpath, **options)
[docs] def dump( self, obj: Any, *fparts: str, key: str = "", mkdir: bool = True, **options: dict[str, Any], ): """Dump data to the given directory. Parameters ---------- obj Provided data object. fparts Subdirectories or the file name. key The name of the directory stored in the class. mkdir If true, it will automatically create the parent directory. The default is true. options Extra arguments for the dump function. """ fpath = self.get_fpath(*fparts, key=key) self.dataio_dict[fpath.suffix].dump(obj, fpath, mkdir=mkdir, **options)
def __repr__(self) -> str: expr = f"{type(self).__name__}(\n" for key in self.keys: expr += f" {key}={getattr(self, key)},\n" expr += ")" return expr