# pylint: disable=C0103
"""Calculate the smoothing weight for nearby point given current point.
In general, kernel functions should have the form [1]_
.. math:: k(x, y; r) = f\\left(\\frac{d(x, y)}{r}\\right)
with components:
* :math:`d(x, y)`: distance function
* :math:`r`: kernel radius
Kernel functions should also satisfy the following properties:
1. :math:`k(x, y; r)` is real-valued, finite, and nonnegative
2. :math:`k(x, y; r)` is decreasing (or non-increasing) for increasing
distances between :math:`x` and :math:`y`:
- :math:`k(x, y; r) \\leq k(x, y'; r)` if :math:`d(x, y) > d(x, y')`
- :math:`k(x, y; r) \\geq k(x, y'; r)` if :math:`d(x, y) < d(x, y')`
The :func:`exponential`, :func:`tricubic`, and :func:`depth` kernel
functions are modeled after the age, time, and location weights used in
CODEm [2]_ (see the spatial-temporal models sub-section within the
methods section). There are many other kernel functions in common use
The kernel functions in this module compute weights using the distance
between points as input rather than the points themselves.
.. [1] `Kernel smoother
.. [2] `Cause of Death Ensemble model
.. [3] `Kernel (statistics)
# TODO: add note about inverse-distance kernel to kernel module documentation
from typing import Union
import numpy as np
number = Union[int, float]
def exponential(distance: number, radius: number) -> np.float32:
"""Get exponential smoothing weight.
distance : nonnegative int or float
Distance between points.
radius : positive int or float
Kernel radius.
nonnegative numpy.float32
Exponential smoothing weight.
The exponential kernel function is defined as
.. math:: k(d; r) = \\frac{1}{\\exp\\left(\\frac{d}{r}\\right)},
which is equivalent to the CODEm age weight
.. math:: w_{a_{i, j}} = \\frac{1}{\\exp(\\omega \\cdot d_{i, j})}
with :math:`r = \\frac{1}{\\omega}` and :math:`d_{i, j} =`
:mod:`weave.distance.euclidean`:math:`(a_i, a_j)`.
Get exponential smoothing weights.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from weave.kernels import exponential
>>> exponential(0, 0.5)
>>> exponential(1, 0.5)
>>> exponential(2, 0.5)
return np.float32(1 / np.exp(distance / radius))
def tricubic(distance: number, radius: number, exponent: number) -> np.float32:
"""Get tricubic smoothing weight.
distance : nonnegative int or float
Distances between points.
radius : positive int or float
Kernel radius.
exponent : positive int or float
Exponent value.
nonnegative numpy.float32
Tricubic smoothing weight.
The tricubic kernel function is defined as
.. math:: k(d; r, s) = \\left(1 -
which is equivalent to the CODEm time weight
.. math:: w_{t_{i, j}} = \\left(1 - \\left(\\frac{d_{i,
j}}{\\max_k|t_i - t_k| + 1}\\right)^\\lambda\\right)^3
with :math:`r = \\max_k|t_i - t_k| + 1`, :math:`s = \\lambda`, and
:math:`d_{i, j} =`:mod:`weave.distance.euclidean`:math:`(t_i, t_j)`.
The parameter `radius` is not assigned in `dimension.kernel_pars`
because it is automatically set to :math:`\\max_k d_{i, k} + 1`.
Since the radius depends on :math:`t_i`, this kernel is not
Get tricubic smoothing weights.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from weave.kernels import tricubic
>>> tricubic(0, 2, 3)
>>> tricubic(1, 2, 3)
>>> tricubic(2, 2, 3)
return np.float32(np.maximum(0, (1 - (distance / radius) ** exponent) ** 3))
def depth(distance: number, levels: int, radius: float, version: str) -> np.float32:
"""Get depth smoothing weight.
distance : nonnegative int or float
Distance between points.
levels : positive int
Number of levels in `distance.tree`.
radius : float in (0.5, 1)
Kernel radius.
version : {'codem', 'stgpr'}
Depth kernel version corresponding to CODEm's location scale
factors or ST-GPR's location scale factors.
nonnegative numpy.float32
Depth smoothing weight.
When `version` = 'codem', the depth kernel is defined as
.. math:: k(d; r, s) = \\begin{cases} r & \\text{if } d = 0, \\\\
r(1 - r)^{\\lceil d \\rceil} & \\text{if } 0 < d \\leq
s - 2, \\\\ (1 - r)^{\\lceil d \\rceil} & \\text{if }
s - 2 < d \\leq s - 1, \\\\ 0 & \\text{if } d > s - 1,
which is the same as CODEm's location scale factors with
:math:`d =`:mod:`weave.distance.tree`:math:`(\\ell_i, \\ell_j)`,
:math:`r = \\zeta`, and :math:`s =` the number of levels in the
location hierarchy (e.g., locations with coordinates
'super_region', 'region', and 'country' would have :math:`s = 3`).
If :math:`s = 1`, the possible weight values are 1 and 0.
When `version` = 'stgpr', the depth kernel function is defined as
.. math:: k(d; r, s) = \\begin{cases} 1 & \\text{if } d = 0, \\\\
r^{\\lceil d \\rceil} & \\text{if } 0 < d \\leq s - 1,
\\\\ 0 & \\text{if } d > s - 1, \\end{cases}
which is the same as ST-GPR's location scale factors with
:math:`d =`:mod:`weave.distance.tree`:math:`(\\ell_i, \\ell_j)`,
:math:`r = \\zeta`, and :math:`s =` the number of levels in the
location hierarchy (e.g., locations with coordinates
'super_region', 'region', and 'country' would have :math:`s = 3`).
If :math:`s = 1`, the possible weight values are 1 and 0.
The parameter `levels` is not assigned in `dimension.kernel_pars`
because it is automatically set to the length of
Get weight for a pair of points (CODEm version).
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from weave.kernels import depth
>>> depth(0, 3, 0.9, 'codem')
>>> depth(1, 3, 0.9, 'codem')
>>> depth(2, 3, 0.9, 'codem')
>>> depth(3, 3, 0.9, 'codem')
Get weight for a pair of points (ST-GPR version).
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from weave.kernels import depth
>>> depth(0, 3, 0.9, 'stgpr')
>>> depth(1, 3, 0.9, 'stgpr')
>>> depth(2, 3, 0.9, 'stgpr')
>>> depth(3, 3, 0.9, 'stgpr')
same_tree = distance <= levels - 1
if version == "stgpr":
return np.float32(same_tree * radius ** np.ceil(distance))
not_root = levels > 1 and distance <= levels - 2
weight = same_tree * radius**not_root * (1 - radius) ** np.ceil(distance)
return np.float32(weight)
def inverse(distance: number, radius: float) -> np.float32:
"""Get inverse-distance smoothing weight.
distance : nonnegative int or float
Distance between points.
radius : positive int or float
Kernel radius.
nonnegative numpy.float32
Inverse-distance smoothing weight.
The inverse-distance kernel function for a single dimension is
defined as
.. math:: k(d; r) = \\frac{d}{r},
which is combined over all dimensions :math:`m \in \mathcal{M}` to
create intermediate weights
.. math:: \\tilde{w}_{i,j} = \\frac{1}
{\\sum_{m \\in \\mathcal{M}} k(d_{i,j}^m; r^m) + \\sigma_i^2}.
When using inverse-distance weights, all dimension kernels must be
set to 'inverse', and the `stdev` argument is required for
return np.float32(distance / radius)