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Provides the required data inputs for a curvefit.core.core_model.Model

The DataInputs class holds all of the inputs that are needed for fitting a core model. It is only used in the Model.convert_inputs() method ( see here. The purpose is to extract only the required elements of a Data class that are needed for model fitting in order to reduce the memory usage, but also keep key information for model debugging.


  • t (np.ndarray): the time variable (or independent variable) in the curve fitting
  • obs (np.ndarray): the observation variable (or dependent variable) in the curve fitting
  • obs_se (np.ndarray): the observation standard error to attach to the observations
  • covariates_matrices (List[np.ndarray]): list of covariate matrices for each parameter (in many cases these covariate matrices will just be one column of ones)
  • group_sizes (List[int]): size of the groups
  • num_groups (int): number of groups
  • link_fun (List[Callable]): list of link functions for the parameters
  • var_link_fun (List[Callable]): list of variable link functions for the variables
  • x_init (np.ndarray): initial values for variables
  • bounds (np.ndarray): bounds for variables
  • fe_gprior (np.ndarray): array of fixed effects Gaussian priors for the variables
  • re_gprior (np.ndarray): array of random effects Gaussian priors for the variables
  • param_gprior_info (Tuple[Callable, Tuple[List[float], List[float]]]): tuple of information about the parameter functional Gaussian priors; first element is a composite function of all of the parameter functional priors; second element is another tuple and the first element is a list of means, the second element is a list of standard deviations
  • re_zero_sum_std: (np.ndarray): is a vector with length equal to the number of fixed effects. It j-th component is the standard deviation of the zero sum of the random effects corresponding to the j-th fixed effect.