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Using Covariates

Generalized Gaussian Cumulative Distribution Function

The model for the mean of the data for this example is: where , , and are unknown parameters. In addition, the value of depends on covariate.

Fixed Effects

We use the notation , , and for the fixed effects corresponding to the parameters , , and . For this example, the link functions, that map from the fixed effects to the parameters, are where is the social distance covariate.

Random effects

For this example the random effects are constrained to be zero.

Social Distance

For this simulation, the social distance covariate has two values:

Simulated data

Problem Settings

The following settings are used to simulate the data and check that the solution is correct:

import math

n_data = 21  # number simulated measurements to generate
b_true = 20.0  # b used to simulate data
a_true = math.log(2.0 / b_true)  # a used to simulate data
c_true = 1.0 / b_true  # c used to simulate data
phi_true = math.log(0.1)  # phi used to simulate data
rel_tol = 1e-5  # relative tolerance used to check optimal solution

The fixed effects , , , and are initialized so that they correspond to the true fixed effects divided by three.

Time Grid

A grid of n_data points in time, , where where the subscript denotes the true value of the corresponding parameter and is the number of data points. The minimum value for this grid is zero and its maximum is .

Measurement Values

We simulate data, , with no noise at each of the time points. To be specific, for Note that when we do the fitting, we model each data point as having noise.

Example Source Code

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
import sys
import pandas
import numpy
import scipy

from curvefit.core.functions import gaussian_cdf, normal_loss
from import Data
from curvefit.core.parameter import Variable, Parameter, ParameterSet
from curvefit.models.core_model import CoreModel
from curvefit.solvers.solvers import ScipyOpt

# link function used for beta
def identity_fun(x):
    return x

# link function used for alpha, p
def exp_fun(x):
    return numpy.exp(x)

# inverse of function used for alpha, p
def log_fun(x):
    return numpy.log(x)

# true value for fixed effects
fe_true = numpy.array([a_true, b_true, c_true, phi_true])
num_fe = len(fe_true)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# data_frame

independent_var = numpy.array(range(n_data)) * b_true / (n_data - 1)
social_distance = numpy.zeros(n_data, dtype=float)
params_value = numpy.zeros((n_data, 3), dtype=float)
alpha_true = numpy.exp(a_true)
p_true = numpy.exp(phi_true)
for i in range(n_data):
    social_distance[i] = 0 if i < n_data / 2.0 else 1
    beta_true = b_true + c_true * social_distance[i]
    params_value[i] = [alpha_true, beta_true, p_true]
params_value = numpy.transpose(params_value)
measurement_value = gaussian_cdf(independent_var, params_value)
measurement_std = n_data * [0.1]
cov_one = n_data * [1.0]
data_group = n_data * ['world']
data_dict = {
    'independent_var': independent_var,
    'measurement_value': measurement_value,
    'measurement_std': measurement_std,
    'cov_one': cov_one,
    'social_distance': social_distance,
    'data_group': data_group,
data_frame = pandas.DataFrame(data_dict)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# curve_model

data = Data(
    col_covs=['cov_one', 'social_distance'],

a_intercept = Variable(
    fe_init=a_true / 3,
    fe_bounds=[-numpy.inf, numpy.inf],
    re_bounds=[0.0, 0.0]

b_intercept = Variable(
    fe_init=b_true / 3,
    fe_bounds=[-numpy.inf, numpy.inf],
    re_bounds=[0.0, 0.0]

b_social_distance = Variable(
    fe_init=b_true / 3,
    fe_bounds=[-numpy.inf, numpy.inf],
    re_bounds=[0.0, 0.0]

phi_intercept = Variable(
    fe_init=p_true / 3,
    fe_bounds=[-numpy.inf, numpy.inf],
    re_bounds=[0.0, 0.0]

alpha = Parameter(param_name='alpha', link_fun=exp_fun, variables=[a_intercept])
beta = Parameter(param_name='beta', link_fun=identity_fun, variables=[b_intercept, b_social_distance])
p = Parameter(param_name='p', link_fun=exp_fun, variables=[phi_intercept])

parameters = ParameterSet([alpha, beta, p])

optimizer_options = {
    'ftol': 1e-12,
    'gtol': 1e-12,

model = CoreModel(
solver = ScipyOpt(model), return_specs=True), options=optimizer_options)
params_estimate = model.get_params(solver.x_opt, expand=True)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check result

for i in range(3):
    assert numpy.allclose(params_estimate[i], params_value[i], rtol=rel_tol)

print(' OK')