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A set of parameters that together specify the functional form of a curve

A ParameterSet is a set of parameters that define the functional form for the curve. For example, if the parametric curve you want to fit has three parameters then you need 1 ParameterSet objects that consists of 3 Parameter objects.

A ParameterSet is made up of one or more Parameter objects, which are each made up of one or more Variable objects. Please refer to their documentation for more details on those objects.

A ParameterSet can also encode functional priors -- priors for functions of the parameter list that is passed into a ParameterSet.


  • parameters (List[curvefit.core.parameter.Parameter]): a list of Parameter instances
  • parameter_functions (List[Tuple[Callable, List[float]]]: a list of tuples which each contain (0) functions to apply to the parameters list and (1) a prior for the parameter function (mean and standard deviation -- see Variable for more details about priors)


All attributes from the Parameters in the list in the parameters argument are carried over to ParameterSet but they are put into a list. For example, the fe_init attribute for ParameterSet is a list of the fe_init attributes for each Parameter in the order that they were passed in parameters list (which are lists of fe_inits for each Variable within a Parameter (see here for more).

Additional attributes that are not lists of the individual Parameter attributes are listed below.

  • self.num_fe (int): total number of effects for the parameter set (number of variables)



Returns a copy of itself but with random effects bounds set to 0. This means that the parameter set will not have any random effects in the model. Useful for when the same parameter set will be used to fit jointly to many groups before being fit to individual groups.


from curvefit.core.parameter import Parameter, Variable, ParameterSet

var = Variable(covariate='ones', var_link_fun=lambda x: x, fe_init=0., re_init=0.)
param = Parameter(param_name='alpha', link_fun=lambda x: x, variables=[var])
param_function = ParameterFunction(
    param_function=lambda params: params[0] ** 2,
    param_function_fe_gprior=[0., np.inf]
param_set = ParameterSet(
    parameters=[param], parameter_functions=[param_function]