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Example and Test of unzip_x

Function Documentation


Example Source Code

import numpy
from curvefit.core.effects2params import unzip_x

num_groups = 2
num_fe = 3
x = numpy.array(range((num_groups + 1) * num_fe))
fe, re = unzip_x(x, num_groups, num_fe)

assert fe.ndim == 1
assert re.ndim == 2
assert fe.shape[0] == num_fe
assert re.shape[0] == num_groups
assert re.shape[1] == num_fe
assert all(fe == x[0: num_fe])

for i in range(num_groups):
    assert all(re[i, :] == x[(i + 1) * num_fe: (i + 2) * num_fe])

print(' OK')